3 Supplements That Crush Sugar Cravings
When we experience out of control cravings it is not due to poor willpower.
Cravings are partly a result of a biochemistry that is out of whack.
This needs to be balanced before we can address the emotional aspects of why we often tend to lean towards self-destructive habits.
The complex nature of cravings
Why we get sugar cravings are of course complex and a mix both of upbringing, culture, chemical imbalance and emotional distress skills. An in-depth article of the many aspects of cravings beyond biochemistry can be found here: click here.
Eating Enlightenment Journal is an app to help you understand your cravings and overeating patterns. This can be a great way to to begin to develop different coping mechanism and it is kind of like having your therapist in your pocket.
Basically, people fall in two categories: either we turn our destruction inwards or outwards. Ideally, we want to master our thoughts so that we no longer need to react in these manners. A person who is self-destructive will in the end be so painful for his/her surroundings to be around, that it is essentially just as toxic for friends and family, as if they were outwardly abusive. So same same but different.
Anyway, the key is to understand why we are going through this pain and what we need to learn from it - that way we can quicker move on, rather than stay stuck in our ways by suppressing, ignoring and procrastinating.
Today I am going to tell you the top 3 supplements that help to crush sugar cravings.
Keep in mind, that supplements are exactly that: SUPPLEMENTS.
In other words, if the fundament - what you are eating - is not supporting rebalancing of your biochemistry, you may not experience any significance using these. Saliva and urine testing is the most accurate method scientifically proven to measure ACTIVE hormones, neurotransmitter balance and stress markers - and when you know your body's biochemical blueprint, you can figure out EXACTLY which nutritional strategies will work for you.
You NEED to know your current biochemical balance before you can know which direction to take in order to thrive in the skin you are in. Otherwise this year will just be another year full of fad diets, quick-fixes, guru-clean-eating that is not catered for YOUR body type.
95% of diets fail because people are following a one-size-fits-all approach.
Diet fads change every year - your body's blueprint doesn't. It's time to eat according to what YOUR BODY NEEDS, not what Jennifer Aniston, Paris Hilton, Leonardo DiCaprio or whoever is eating at the moment. Who cares what works for someone else - you are not them and we need to understand our body and what our body needs to move forward.
So what are the 3 Supplements That CRUSH Sugar cravings?
Gymnema is called "The Sugar Destroyer" due to the fact it is nature's most potent remedy to balance our blood sugar and restore insulin sensitivity. A key factor to address, whether diagnosed as diabetic or not, for anyone coming off drugs, alcohol or binging behaviors.
Glutamine: Helps stabilize blood sugar levels which is especially helpful if you are looking to kick your sugar habit and reduce your cravings for high-glycemic carbohydrates. Helps to synthesize the neurotransmitters in the brain which can help relieve depression and fatigue, elevate mood and enhance relaxation.
Virgin Coconut oil: Provides brain fuel in the form of medium-chain fatty acids which instantly puts a brake on appetite. Try adding a tbsp. coconut oil to your coffee or tea between meals and notice how it affects your cravings throughout the day.
Gymnema: Gymnema Sylvestre has been used traditionally in India for centuries and has been shown in research to support healthy glucose metabolism by mediation of insulin release and activity and enhancement of healthy pancreatic function. In addition to active saponin ingredients called gymnemic acids, the herb contains a number of other saponins, anthraquinones, and flavonoid compounds including kaempferol and quercetin.
Nutrition. 1996 May;12(5):349-54. Effect of L-glutamine supplementation on impaired glucose regulation during intravenous lipid administration. Ballard TC et al.
Eur J Clin Nutr. 2014 Oct;68(10):1134-40. Impact of medium and long chain triglycerides consumption on appetite and food intake in overweight men. St-Onge MP1 et al.
Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:830285. Phytochemical and pharmacological properties of Gymnema sylvestre: an important medicinal plant. Tiwari P1 et al.