What does healthy LOOK like?
I am tired of health being promoted as something equaling a certain size.
I am tired of our epidemic like obsession with our physical body's appearance.
And I am tired that so little attention is given to the essence of who we are, that our body is merely a vessel for our essence as beings on this earth.
Instead we keep running after every promise of plastic beauty, ridiculous white teeth, fake hair extensions, fake nails and now "waist-trainers", sure to damage your digestion and internal organs in the name of "health". Injecting ourselves with neuro-toxins like botox because our standard for that "healthy" look has, in fact, nothing to do with health.
I wish we could stop this madness. I wish every doctor prescribing a weight loss drug would experience the chronic damage they have done to those bodies, the sleepless nights, the metabolic dysfunction, heart attacks and adrenal burnout following that short-term weight-loss. I wish every nutritionist who put their client on a calorie counting diet, will experience the madness of not being able to eat without guilt and weighing food on a scale. I wish every celebrity and health guru who writes a one-size-fits-all diet book, will find their wardrobe in only one-size-fits-all when they wake up.
I wish we could all become more compassionate, less judging, more accepting, embracing and create safe spaces where people can change at their own pace.
I wish we could understand the suffering that we are responsible for being part of and promoting - whatever our role may be.
When we do not change our own values, we give these shallow beliefs fuel to grow and spread like wildfires.
People are primal in nature, and we take the cue from each other as to how to act and what we are worthy of.
This is why we need to pay more attention to our words. Our words pave the way for emotions, leading to actions, forming habits which become our destiny.
Every day we use our words to impact someone's destiny - if only our own; inside our head.
I am tired of doctors, nutritionists, health gurus, celebrities and what not, projecting their own body insecurities into writing books on how-to-get-skinny under a thin veil of health promotion - when in fact, it is just playing on our vanity with no science based as to how ABS are related to health. Yes, that's right.
There is no science based evidence for the BMI index.
The only science based predictor of health in this relation, is in correlation as to whether the weight is a reflection of dysfunctional eating habits. Most of those of us who go on a diet, do not have a health related size issue.
Size is not a reflection of health, only our vanity obsession. Thus each one of us is responsible for asking whether our lifestyle is centered around vanity and disconnectedness, rather than wholeness, happiness and acceptance... savoring the flavors of life vs. depriving ourselves. Deprivation always leads to soul hunger and most of us will binge later to compensate anyway. Or just grow emotionally unstable as we suppress our true needs. Living a life that is centered on nourishment and acceptance is health - in whatever shape, form or size that may be.
Rather we have a vanity obsession which turns into a dysfunctional eating pattern, which then affects our health.
Your doctor is more likely to write you off as healthy, having a body% below 20 as female - and that is ironic, because we know that women's hormones NEED a fat% over 20. Yet, what is the typical recommendation for a female serial-dieter below bodyfat% 20 who is not able to have her monthly? She will get recommended The Pill - which is correlated to stroke and cancer big time.
Our fear of fat these days is mind-blowing.
We would rather die skinny than be healthy - that is at least what is being acted out in the health community big time currently.
I wish we could all breathe more, love more, live more... become more of who we are meant to be and less of what others expect us to be.
For this to happen, I realize that I too must become this change from within in order to mirror it out.
What do you wish for?
Write it down. And then become it. Become that quality with every breath you take. Nothing else matters - than you; becoming what you already are.