4 fold death increase on anxiety medications
More Americans are receiving anxiety medications under the class of drugs called benzodiazepines or “benzos”.
Benzos are notorious for disrupting brain signalling long-term and highly addictive.
Also why many conventional doctors now are steering clear of this previous popular anxiety drug - it is riddled with side effects and the damage outweigh any temporary symptom management that may occur.
In the study published in American Public Health issue April 2016, the research team looked into data on benzos use and found that prescriptions purchased throughout the last two decades increased from 8.1 million prescriptions in 1996 to 13.5 million in 2013. At the same time, they discovered that the death rate from benzos overdose increased from 0.58 deaths per 100,000 adults in 1996 to 3.14 deaths per 100,000 adults in 2013.
Scott Disick has revealed his anxiety medication addiction. This is an addiction that hits every age group and wealth group. It is not harmless and it causes tremendous damage to the body and brain - it basically rips your gastrointestinal tract to pieces and causes multiple chronic health issues in its waters. Not to mention, highly deadly especially when combined with alcohol, as it often is in cases where one needs to "calm the nerves".
More and more people are struggling with anxiety - especially men. This may be partly due to a natural tendency to have issues with the calming neurotransmitter GABA, in addition to having higher levels of dopamine, which can cause a strong sensation of anxiousness that just won't go away until the biochemicals at play are back in balance.
It is pretty easy to test which chemicals are responsible for the issues one might be dealing with emotion wise. when the biochemicals are back in balance it's like our stress tolerance is working normally again.
We do not feel hyper, drained and over-wired, rather we are ready to deal with life as it unfolds, and not living in chronic stress due to what we think might happen.
Testing can be done via a testing kit sent to your home. Read more here.
Reference:American Journal of Public Health: April 2016, Vol. 106, No. 4, pp. 686-688.