Full fat. vs low-fat dairy

Keeping our blood sugar balanced is absolutely crucial to avoid cravings triggered by simple blood sugar dips. 

This is also why we need to pay attention to getting our facts about fat right.

Fat is the buffer that protects our blood sugar from the aggressive spikes and dips.

When we combine fats with otherwise high glycemic foods, it neutralizes the effect and instead gives us a slow release of energy.

In a study published in March 2016 in the journal Circulation, researcher’s evaluated 3,333 adults aged 30-75 for the relationship between full-fat dairy consumption and the risk of diabetes.

After following these individuals for 10 years, 277 of them had been diagnosed with diabetes. After adjusting for demographics, metabolic risks factors, diet and other circulating fatty acids, the group with the highest levels of dairy fat (measured using fatty acid bio-markers) circulating in their blood had a significantly lowered risk of a diabetes diagnosis during the study. 

Part of it may also be due to the fact that dairy is rich in the super healthy fatty acid in called called butyric acid.

In one animal study, a high-fiber diet with supplementation of 500 mg/kg of body weight per day of butyric acid reduced diabetic risk by nearly 40 percent, which is very close to the 44 percent risk reduction seen with the group that ate the full-fat dairy.

I recommend dairy products only of organic origin, because otherwise they are loaded with antibiotics, hormones and pesticides.

I also don't recommend drinking milk, as this is particularly difficult to digest due to it being high in both lactose and casein. Rather opt for products such as yogurt, cheese and also leaning towards goat's sheep and buffalo dairy products, as these are richer in casein a2 and void of the problematic casein a1 which most of us do not do very well with.



Circulation. 2016 Apr 26;133(17):1645-54

ARYA Atheroscler. 2012 Fall;8(3):119-24.